Monday, December 3, 2012

This Is Me.

Me and My Boyfriend (in the Back)
LOL! jkjk =P
Outgoing. Patient. Loud. Respectful. Friendly.  These are just some words that come to mind that I believe describe me.  I love to hang out with friends, dance, and go to the movies, text, read, listen to music and a bunch of other stuff that I know I’m forgetting. Lol.  But apart from being like every other young adult who likes to go out and have fun, I work and attend school both full time.  Growing up in my family, going to college for me was never an option it was an obligation.  Everyone who knew me including myself knew that I would go on to graduate high school in the top ranks of my class and go to college to do just as well.  So it came as no surprise to anyone that I am the first in my family to go to college.  I am in my second year at Arizona Western College where I am studying for my major in Psychology with a minor in Political Science.  After I have earned my associates degree at AWC I plan to transfer to the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona to get my bachelor’s degree.  As a student I constantly have to use technology.  Whether it is for my online class, which is all done through Blackboard, or for one of my other three classes that I attend class for regularly, in person.  At work I am a computer and the phone all day long.  Using multiple programs on the computer at once and talking to hundreds of people within the six to seven hour shift I work.  But as a person, who is not at school, doing homework, or at work and is just at home relaxing or out having a good time with friends I find myself only using technology when I get a text or email on my phone and laptop, am reading on my Kindle Fire, or just checking my phone to see what time it is.


  1. Your boyfriend is good looking lol and this is my best friend Jessica and for sure you are outgoing and not shy at all. We both like to dance and go crazy haha loved your introduction =)

  2. Nice to know more about a fellow classmate :) awesome intro.

  3. Great blog, Jessica! I really enjoyed reading it!
