Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Technology obessed... Me??? Nooo!

So last Monday, I did what I believed to be the most impossible task to accomplish, and that was to be fully aware and keep track of when I used technology, how I used it, where I used it, and what type of technology I used for an entire day.  During my observation I found that throughout the duration of my school day I only used three different types of technology that allowed me to stay connected to the internet no matter where I was on campus whether it was my smart phone, my Kindle Fire or a computer from campus. I must admit that after counting up to forty-five I lost count of how many times I pulled out my cell phone to just look to see what time it was. Even if I had just looked at the time a minute ago.  I also caught myself pulling out my Kindle during class to read from a book not class related, checking my Facebook account or just to look something up and give to a curious thought.  I used a computer to do homework for my classes, check my email accounts, social media accounts, and be on YouTube or Instant Messaging with friends. What surprised me the most about the results of my observations was the fact that I spent most of my time on distractions and not being focused on what I needed to get done, than working to finish my assignments in order to pass my classes.  It was surprising because I believed that I had a better control on how much time I spent using technology.  Ultimately I think that my use of technology was overall harmful because I allow myself to get easily distracted and end up losing time that I could have spent on doing more productive things.
1a.m. and I'm still on Facebook.

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