Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Faculty Interview

"Robot Teachers?"

So for my faulty interview I decided to interview some who not deals with college students all day but with high school students as well.  I interviewed Ms. Madrigal or Liz as everyone calls her is a coordinator for the Upward Bound program based at Arizona Western College.  The Upward Bound program is a federally funded program to help students graduate from high school and continue on to college and complete a 4-year college degree.  As a coordinator Liz helps student make the transition from high school to college and everything in between.  In this interview I asked Liz a series of questions regarding technology.  For example, what her stand on technology is, if she believes if technology is more harmful or beneficial to students, what are some problems she has encountered when it came to students and technology and how much she personally uses technology in her life.  When I asked Liz what her stands on technology in general was she responded that “technology can be both helpful and harmful given the situation”.  She said that it could be beneficial if used properly in any circumstances but harmful if used just for fun or to get something done faster.  For example, it can be harmful in banks because people are relying too much on a computer or a calculator to do basic simply math that they learned in grade school over just doing it the old fashion way.  Liz had a lot to say when it came to explaining some of the problems that she encounters almost every day when it comes to students and technology. She said that students have become social media smart but when it comes to being able to writing a paper in MLA format they don’t know how.  She also said that students spend so much time using and playing on their technology device but they never learn how to maintain it or fit it something were to go wrong.

I took this picture.

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