Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lost or gain?

Is technology causing me to lose as much as I gain?  In all honesty there are times when I do believe that technology causes me to lose more than what I gain.  But over all I feel like I do limit myself and know myself well enough to know when I need to take a break from technology and just refocus and ask myself questions like “is Facebook really going to help finish this essay so I can pass my class?”  As a student I think that technology can cause me to not only lose time but focus as well.  For example I sometimes lose focus when I say that I’m going to go online real quick to look something up for a homework assignment or just because.  But once I’m on I end up checking my social media accounts, look up other things, or even playing games online and completely forgetting about what I had gotten online for to look up in the first place.  Causing me to completely lose track of time and end up where I started not having completed anything.  Nevertheless technology can also be beneficial for a college student because it can prove you with faster and consistent ways can help you get things done.  For example, most classes now and days have students go online for one reason or another whether it is doing homework on Blackboard, researching a topic for a paper or even creating a blog for a project; without having technology available to us, students would end up failing their classes.
Rejected by 7 Different Types of Technology
Clip from the movie "He's Just Not That Into You"

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