Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Student Interview

My friend Vere.
I took this picture.

I recently interviewed a friend of mine, Verenice, on her opinion of the harm and benefits that technology can play in a person’s life.  Verenice is a freshman this year at Arizona Western College.  While at AWC she plans to earn her associates in Business then transfer to either Arizona State University or the University of Arizona to continue her education to earn a bachelors degree in her field of study.  In my interview I asked her three questions regarding her opinion on technology, her own personal use of technology and if she believes is hurts or helps fellow college students.  Her response was that she over all believed that technology is beneficial for students in college.  When I asked her of her own personal use regarding technology she stated that she only used technological devices when it was needed.  For example, she would only go online to do homework for a class or email one of her professors, to research something for an assignment or even to communicate with a friend or family member because she didn’t see them.  The last question I asked her was “Do you think that technology is either ultimately harmful or beneficial for college students?”  She responded was a split decision because she said that she has been witnessed to both the harm and benefits of technology.  She said that technology can be harmful for students because people can get to attached with all social networks and then end up relying too much on technology to help them do simple things like help the remember their moms cell phone number; but it’s beneficial at the same time because a little help from technology doesn’t hurt especially for a college student.
"Reminder Alerts"
Samuel Jackson iPhone 4S/Siri Commercial

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