Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Spying... xD

The Fountain Lady
Okay so today I spent most of my day walking around campus observing and collecting information on how much Arizona Western College students use technology, when, where, and why they use it.  While in one of my classes I found that the students were blatantly open about using their technology.  They didn’t try to hide their phones when they would text or even ignore a call because they would just get up, walk out of class, several times throughout the class period, and take the calls.  But I believe that the reason why the students didn’t at least make an effort to try and hide their use of technology in class was that because the professor himself did not care that his student ignored his lecture and were in their own little technological world.  The professor did not care if the students took out their phones out right in front of him and started texting; he just continued with his lecture.  In between classes I noticed that when people did interact with others face-to-facet they did pay attention to the other person up until the point when their phone would buzz or ring.  Then they would stop what they were doing and look down at their phone even if they were talking to a person and were in mid-sentence.  Because I was done with my classes and what I had to do for the day I decided to take a quick walk through one of the computer lab on campus.  I was surprised to find out that almost every single person that was using a computer did abide but the rules of the computer lab and only worked or looked at school related things.
"No Gaming Signs" I took the picture.  

Conversation?  I took this picture.

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